I can change the names of workspaces, and presumably simply add more by changing this conststant:
myWorkspaces = ["1","2","3⌂","4","5","6","7✉","8☺","9♫"]
If I add something to the array, there will be more workspaces, but how do I keybind them? Mod-1 through Mod-9 are the default but I can't find documentation for how to change that default.
I found the answer buried in this example configuration and together with the key names list, it looks like the following:
Defining a tenth workspace:
myExtraWorkspaces = [(xK_0, "0"),(xK_minus, "tmp"),(xK_equal, "swap")]
myWorkspaces = ["1","2","3⌂","4","5","6","7✉","8☺","9♫"] ++ (map snd myExtraWorkspaces)
Then the key binding looks like this:
myKeys =
[ -- ... some more keys ...
] ++ [
((myModMask, key), (windows $ W.greedyView ws))
| (key,ws) <- myExtraWorkspaces
] ++ [
((myModMask .|. shiftMask, key), (windows $ W.shift ws))
| (key,ws) <- myExtraWorkspaces
In this example the slash key is used, but any other key from the list above can be used instead.
And finally:
main = do
xmonad $ config {
workspaces = myWorkspaces
} `additionalKeys` (myKeys)