I have created a Bluemix runtime Ruby-on-Rails. I am using IBM devops hub.jazz.net, and have setup the Build and Deploy to the bluemix application.
The Build and Deploy gives an error message - 'An application could not be detected by any available buildpack'
What are the steps to setup the deploy correctly. How do I troubleshoot this ?
Looks like you are deploying using cf from your local setup
And the issue lies with some wrong entry made in manifest.yml. Please check it and add correct build pack. Sometimes Cloud Foundry can't detect the type of app you are running and when you push the app you need to tell it what kind of app it is. We can do that with some of the following commands.
cf buildpacks -- to see list of available build packs
cf push appname -b ruby_buildpack ---pushing app
Here is a link that can be helpful to you :