I'm new to swift and IOS development.
system information: Xcode 6.1 Release Notes OS X 10.10.1
My app has two view controllers, ViewA and ViewB, (No navigation controller), and I want to jump to ViewB from ViewA by click a UIButton in ViewA. The ViewA has been set as the initial view controller in the App.
By following some online instruction, I pressed ctrl and and drag the UIButton in ViewA to point to ViewB in the storyboard window. However, I got only a incomplete segue list (has only 4 item in total) as the following, in which I couldn't see the "show" item.
#Action Segue push modal custom
#It might looks like that in the old versions, but it is do in Xcode 6.1.
I saw some screen copies of the menu from the other people, they have much more items in their action segue list. Since no "show" available in my segue acton list, I used the "custom" item. It also helped me to jump to ViewB, but I got the following warning in compiling.
"Custom segues must have a custom class" "Unsupported Configuration Custom segues must have a customer class"
My questions are: 1) How can I access the build-in "show" time in the segue action list? 2) Since everything works fine by so far, is there any to get ride of the warning message directly?
Please don't be hesitate the let me know if you require more information to identify the issues.
Since I'm new in iOS development, my questions might be kind of silly, but I do need your help.
I appreciate your effects with my questions.
I'm going to go step by step for the process: