trace :: String -> Float -> Colour -> [ColouredLine]
trace (c:cs) angle colour
= trace' (c:cs) angle colour (0.0,0.0)
trace' "" angle colour intvertex = []
trace' (c:cs) angle colour intvertex
| c == 'R' = trace' cs (angle-90) colour intvertex
| c == 'L' = trace' cs (angle+90) colour intvertex
| c == 'F' = [(intvertex,aftvertex,colour)] ++ trace' cs angle colour aftvertex
aftvertex = fst (move 'F' (intvertex,angle) angle)
trace "F[RF][LF][FF]" 45.0 (1.0,0.0,0.0) = Exception: LSystems.hs:(95,4)-(101,61): Non-exhaustive patterns in function trace'
Test case expected:
Your test string contains '[' and ']', but you only match 'R', 'L' and 'F' in your pattern match. So as soon as it reaches a square bracket you get an exception.