If i execute this statement or the similar videoFileWriter
or even multimediafilereader
in matlab 2012b
videoFileReadera = vision.VideoFileReader(filename,'AudioOutputPort',true);
i am getting warning as
Warning: The AudioOutputPort property is not relevant in this configuration of the System object.
or with AudioInputPort...
i know its just a warning but the object fails to read or write the audio file??
please tell me how to read a video and audio combined file and to write it back as a single video and audio combined file.
clear all;
close all;
VidObj=VideoReader('E:\workspace\mat2012b\video compression\original.mp4');
videoFReader = vision.VideoFileReader('original.mp4');
videoFWriter = vision.VideoFileWriter('vid_new_compressed_ffd5.avi',...
'AudioInputPort',1,'AudioDataType','int16','VideoCompressor','ffdshow video encoder','FileFormat','avi',...
for i=1:n
videoFrame= step(videoFReader);
audios=audio( (i-1)*op + 1 : i*op , : );
step(videoFWriter, videoFrame,audios);
This above code reads an audio and video and writes back to audio and video. I tried to get .mp4 as output it didnt work. This code can give .avi and .wmv as output.