I am trying to get max value
of a column in my query but I cant found any solution. My query is
SELECT pz.id,
sz.Price + cr.AddedCost AS price
FROM piz pz, crust cr, size sz
pz.SizeID = sz.id AND
pz.CrustID = tp.id
Then I receive some records like the following
ID price
1 95000.0
6 160000.0
10 150000.0
3 137500.0
5 122500.0
4 195000.0
2 195000.0
7 130000.0
8 205000.0
9 130000.0
11 205000.0
I want to get the record
with the max value
of price, which are:
ID price
8 205000.0
11 205000.0
I am using Navicat with MySQL server
Update: I did try using:
SELECT pz.id, MAX(sz.Price + cr.AddedCost) AS price ....
But it didnt work as the returned id is wrong
What happens when you do this.
Change all your old style comma separated join to Inner join for better readability.
SELECT pz.id,
sz.Price + cr.AddedCost AS price
FROM piz pz
INNER JOIN crust cr
ON pz.CrustID = cr.id
INNER JOIN size sz
ON pz.SizeID = sz.id
WHERE sz.Price + cr.AddedCost = (SELECT sz.Price + cr.AddedCost AS price
FROM piz pz1
INNER JOIN crust cr1
ON pz1.CrustID = cr1.id
INNER JOIN size sz1
ON pz1.SizeID = sz1.id
ORDER BY price DESC limit 1 )