I'm using a Spock test written in Groovy to test some Java code. I'm using JMockit to mock methods in the java code, as Spock only handles mocking Groovy classes. I'm running into a problem where a JMockit MockUp
is persisting between tests. Such a mock instance should only exist for the test (per JMockit documentation), but this isn't working, and I imagine it's because it's not using the JMockit test runner, and rather the Spock test runner.
Here is the simplest example of the problem I'm facing. I have a simple method returning a string, I can change the return value of the method with MockUp
but it still exists for the third test, which doesn't expect it to be used.
Java Class
public class ClassToTest {
public String method() {
return "original";
Spock Test
class ClassToTestSpec extends Specification {
void "first test"() {
String result = new ClassToTest().method()
result == "original"
void "second test"() {
new MockUp<ClassToTest>() {
public String method() {
return "mocked"
String result = new ClassToTest().method()
result == "mocked"
void "third test"() {
String result = new ClassToTest().method()
result == "original"
The third test fails, because ClassToTest.method()
still returns the String "mocked" rather than "original". Using a debugger I have validated that the Mocked method is called twice.
Is there any way to manually remove a class MockUp
in JMockit? Thanks.
You can call the MockUp.tearDown method on the created mockup object, to manually undo its effects.