Alright, so I got a private ?Vector $lines which is empty when constructing the object and now I want to add strings to that Vector. The following Hack code works well:
class LineList {
private ?Vector<string> $lines;
public function addLine(string $line): void {
$this->file[] = trim($line);
But when checking the code with hh_client, it gives me the following warning:
$this->file[]]: a nullable type does not allow array append (Typing[4006])
[private ?Vector<string> $lines]: You might want to check this out
Question: How do I add elements to the Vector without that the checker pushs this warning?
The easiest way would be to not use a nullable Vector. private Vector<string> $lines = Vector {};
gets around the need for a constructor too.
Otherwise, you'll need to check if the value isn't null, then append to it:
public function addLine(string $line): void {
$vec = $this->lines;
if ($vec !== null) $vec[] = trim($line);
You can't just check if $this->lines !== null
as it is possible for it to change value between checking and appending (with something like a tick function), hence why it is assigned to a local variable instead.