So I found a strange behavior:
I have an imported CSV file with these titles:
$connections | Get-Member
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
GetType Method type GetType()
ToString Method string ToString()
Access Method NoteProperty System.String Access Method=SSH
Accessable NoteProperty System.String Accessable=N/A
Application NoteProperty System.String Application=Test
Authentication type NoteProperty System.String Authentication type=rsa
Node NoteProperty System.String Node=ComputerName
Port NoteProperty System.String Port=22
User NoteProperty System.String User=User
Now, if I make a new variable from one line
$x = $connections[0]
Then change something in $x
$x.Accessable = $true
The change will be visible in $connections[0].
Is this a normal behavior? If so how can I make a new variable with a similar object as that line?
Edit: Powershell array assignment assigns variable, not value? is about arrays, or multidimensional arrays, this question is about object transfer (copy). The simple answers on that page does not work in this case. Issue still happens.
Yes, it is normal behavior, it is how reference types work. You need to make copy of object:
$x = $connections[0].PSObject.Copy()