I'm using waypoints to have fadeIn animation when the user scrolled down, and it worked. But as you can see, during the onload, there's a fadeIn too for the first few visible items.
How to not to have that? since I binded all .card to way[point.
My js
$(function() {
var waypoints = $('.card').waypoint(function (direction) {
$(this).addClass("animated fadeIn");
}, {
offset: '90%'
Not sure if its exactly what you want, but you can add a variable to indicate if the page has loaded or not and only add fadeIn
if it has:
$(function () {
var pageLoaded = false;
var waypoints = $('.card').waypoint(function (direction) {
+ (pageLoaded ? " fadeIn" : ""));
}, {
offset: '90%'
pageLoaded = true;
Updated Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/ghx49d7x/3/