I am new to Stackoverflow. I am now working on a node.js program. The input is a data stream containing few blocks of data (also zipped by DEFLATE algorithm) concatenated together. My goal is use INFLATE to restore the data blocks and put them into correct orders.
My problem is, when I use while loop to do extraction of data blocks, the data extracted is not in the order I input. Why?
while (initPointer < totalLength) {
console.log('Extracting '+rawLengthBuf.readUInt32LE(0));
zlib.inflate(dataBuf, function(err, data) {
if (!err) {
console.log('Extracted '+data.length);
Extracting 18876
Extracting 15912
Extracting 10608
Extracted 15912
Extracted 10608
Extracted 18876
Please forgive me that I may not describe the situation in very clear way. Thanks.
Use Async.js. Below are steps to make your code work synchronously using async.js.
I ran into similar problem and resolved it using the steps below. I have replaced my function with yours. It should work. You just give it a try, documentation is inline to make you understand the code.
* need an array to run all queries one by one in a definite order
var arr = [];
while (initPointer < totalLength) {
console.log('Extracting '+rawLengthBuf.readUInt32LE(0));
* Callback function for initiation of waterfall
var queue = [
function(callback) {
// pass the ref array and run first query by passing starting index - 0
callback(null, arr, 0)
* Object to store result of all async operation
var finalResult = {};
* Generic Callback function for every dynamic query
var callbackFunc = function(prevModelData, currentIndex, callback) {
//current file/data
zlib.inflate(arr[currentIndex], function(err, data) {
if (!err) {
console.log('Extracted '+data.length);
} else {
// console.log(result)
finalResult[arr[currentIndex]] = data
//call next element in queue
callback(null, data, currentIndex + 1)
* Add callback function for every dynamic query
while (initPointer < totalLength) {
console.log('Extracting '+rawLengthBuf.readUInt32LE(0));
* Run all dynamic queries one by one using async.js waterfall method
async.waterfall(queue, function (err, result) {
console.log('finish', finalResult)