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Cannot Access Memory At 0xe, kdbg on Ubuntu

I am studying book by Jeff Duntemann: Step by Step Assembly. Here is the source code provided:

SECTION .data           ; Section containing initialised data

    EatMsg: db "Eat at Joe's!",10
    EatLen: equ $-EatMsg    

SECTION .bss            ; Section containing uninitialized data 

SECTION .text           ; Section containing code

global  _start          ; Linker needs this to find the entry point!

    nop         ; This no-op keeps gdb happy...
    mov eax,4       ; Specify sys_write call
    mov ebx,1       ; Specify File Descriptor 1: Standard Output
    mov ecx,EatMsg      ; Pass offset of the message
    mov edx,EatLen      ; Pass the length of the message
    int 80H         ; Make kernel call

    MOV eax,1       ; Code for Exit Syscall
    mov ebx,0       ; Return a code of zero 
    int 80H         ; Make kernel call

I have Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit running on VirtualBoxVM on top of 64 bit MacOS Yosemite.

I am calling:

kdbg eatsyscall

to launch KDBG.

In watches section I have 2 Expressions:EatMsg and EatLen

When I run the code using KDBG for EatMsg I see: 544497989 but for EatLen I see: Cannot Access Memory At 0xe

I have 2 questions:

What is this 544497989 value and why for EatLen I see the "Cannot Access" message?


  • 544497989 is the address of EatMsg, it's just the memory location, i.e. some huge number. If you know C or C++, it's the equivalent of &eatMsg if your declaration is char * eatMsg = "Eat at Joe's!";

    EatLen is the length of the EatMsg: $ stands for "address at this point", which is the next location after all bytes of EatMsg. So $-EatMsg is "address after all bytes of EatMsg minus address of beginning of EatMsg" = "length of EatMsg" = 14 decimal = 0x0E hexadecimal.

    Your debugger is likely interpreting this length as an address. Small values such as these cannot be referenced as addresses. You should display this merely as a value, not interpret is as address.