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Meteor Handsontable example

does anyone have a working example using meteor and handsontable to create a reactive table to read and update the data?

Thanks in advance for any help


  • The following example works as a reactive table that reads and writes data, including paste and autofill.

    I'm not aware of a Meteor smartpackage that makes available the standard Handsontable API. (There is one smartpackage by Olragon, but it's for the jQuery API of Handsontable). You can add the files to your project directly fairly easily:

    • Download the latest release from
    • Unzip and copy dist/handsontable.full.js and dist/handsontable.full.css to one of your project's client directories (e.g., /client/lib/)
    • Open handsontable.full.js and change the following line:

      // Remove "var" from Handsontable declaration to add to global scope
      var Handsontable = function (rootElement, userSettings) {
      // New code
      Handsontable = function (rootElement, userSettings) {
    • You may need to uninstall any existing Handsontable smartpackages

    Next add a new template to your html where your Handsontable will be located:

    <template name="handsontable">
    <div class="handsontable" id="hot"></div>

    Finally in your js file:

    Meteor.isClient {
     Template.handsontable.rendered = function () {
      var myData = [];  // Need this to create instance
      var container = document.getElementById("hot"); 
      var hot = new Handsontable(container,{  // Create Handsontable instance
        data: myData,
        startRows: 5,
        startCols: 5,
        colHeaders: true,
        minSpareRows: 1,
        contextMenu: true,
        afterChange: function (change, source) {  // "change" is an array of arrays. 
          if (source !== "loadData") {  // Don't need to run this when data is loaded
            for (i = 0; i < change.length; i++) {   // For each change, get the change info and update the record
                var rowNum = change[i][0]; // Which row it appears on Handsontable
                var row = myData[rowNum];  // Now we have the whole row of data, including _id
                var key = change[i][1];  // Handsontable docs calls this "prop"
                var oldVal = change[i][2];
                var newVal = change[i][3];
                var setModifier = {$set: {}};   // Need to build $set object
                setModifier.$set[key] = newVal; // So that we can assign 'key' dynamically using bracket notation of JavaScript object
      Tracker.autorun( function () {  // Tracker function for reactivity
          myData = MyCollection.find().fetch();  // Tie in our data

    Docs on afterChange API is here:

    This code will render your collection's fields as columns automatically, including an _id column. To define columns using Handsontable in Meteor, here's an example document in the sample collection Books:

    {_id: 'Hneb7LxFRptXCiL49',
     title: 'The Name of the Wind',
     author: 'Patrick Rothfuss',
     copies: 3 }

    We can specify our columns so that _id does not show up, as well as (optionally) give names to our colHeaders:

    // replace at "colHeaders":
    colHeaders: ['Title','Author','Copies'],
    columns: [
      {data: 'title'},
      {data: 'author:},
      {data: 'copies'}
    // ...