I'm learning about nixos and nix expressions. In a project folder I created a shell.nix and I when I run nix-shell
I want it to preset an environment variable for me.
For example to set the PGDATA env var.
I know there are several ways to write nix expression files (I'm not yet used to most of them). Here is my sample:
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
name = "test";
in pkgs.myEnvFun {
buildInputs = [
inherit name;
extraCmds = ''
export TEST="ABC"
Use buildPythonPackage function (that uses mkDerivation). Passing anything to it will set env variables in bash shell:
with import <nixpkgs> {};
buildPythonPackage {
name = "test";
buildInputs = [ pkgs.python pkgs.libxml2 ];
src = null;
PGDATA = "...";