I wrote a network packet listener program and I have 2 threads. Both runs forever but one of them sleeps 30 sec other sleeps 90 sec. In main function, I use sigaction function and after installed signal handler, I created these 2 threads. After creation of threads, main function calls pcaploop function, which is infinite loop. Basic structure of my program: (I use pseudo syntax)
only sets a flag (exitState = true)
while 1
sleep 30 sec
check exit state, if so exit(0);
do smth;
while 1
sleep 90 sec
check exit state, if so exit(0);
do smth;
necassary snytax for sigaction ;
sigaction( SIGINT, &act, NULL );
sigaction( SIGUSR1, &act, NULL );
create thread1;
create thread2;
pcaploop(..., processPacket,...); // infinite loop, calls callback function (processPacket) everytime a packet comes.
join threads;
return 0;
check exitState, if true exit(0);
do smth;
And here is my question. When I press CTRL-C program does not terminate. If the program run less than 6-7 hours, when I press CTRL-C, program terminates. If the program run 1 night, at least 10 hours or more, I cannot terminate the program. Actually, signal handler is not called.
What could be the problem? Which thread does catch the signal?
I am writing this for those who had faced with this problem. My problem was about synchronization of threads. After i got handle synchronization problem, the program now, can handle the signals. My advice is check the synchronization again and make sure that it works correctly.
I am sorry for late answer.
Edited : I have also used sigaction for signal handling and I have change my global bool variable whit this definition :
static volatile sig_atomic_t exitFlag = 0;
This flag has been used for checking whether the signal received or not.