Hopefully someone has a little time to explain how to use V8.Net with Mono. I'm trying to use V8.Net with mono 3.10 on my ubuntu machine. So far I did the following:
create an example project with the content on codeplex
using System;
using V8.Net;
namespace testv8
class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
var v8Engine = new V8Engine();
Handle result = v8Engine.Execute("/* Some JavaScript Code Here*/","My V8.NET Console");
Console.WriteLine(result.AsString); // (or "(string)result")
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue ...");
Console.WriteLine ("Hello World!");
add V8.Net.dll and V8.NetSharedTypes to the references
I copied the content of the folder /Release/NET 4.0/x64 to /bin/Debug/x64 of my build directory
When I try to run the example, I get the following error: A system.DllNotFoundException was thrown.
I changed the Build type from Debug to ( Debug | Any cpu ). If I understood correct the library should now choose the correct dll.
6 When I rerun the program in this mode. The program stops at: Loaded assembly: /Build/v8dotnet/testv8/testv8/bin/test/x64/V8.Net.Proxy.Interface.x64.dll [External]
The call stack shows: V8.Net.V8NetProxy.CreatehandleProxyTest().
Hopefully you can give me some input to get it running.
Short note: there is some progress on making V8.Net available with Mono for different platforms (Win, Linux, and Mac).
More info is available on the following sites:
Mono Github Branch
V8.Net Mono Issues
Update: Mono is no longer supported. .Net Standard is now supported instead, which is cross-platform also.
NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/V8.Net/
CodePlex is now closed down. The new source is here: https://github.com/rjamesnw/v8dotnet