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Geomapping using Qlikview BI tool

I have a dataset with country names (to and from) which is similar to travel starting country and the destination country. For example: if the travel is between India to Australia then the country origin will be India and the destination will be Australia.

I have collected the latitude and longitude for both origin and destination place. Now I want to plot the lat and log for origin and destination country using Qlikview tool.

I'm using Qlikview11 Personal edition.


  • Two ways to achieve this case:

    1. Using GeoQlik extension

    • Install GeoQlik extension in Qlikview Click to Install GeoQlik
    • Open GeoQlik extension in Webmode and choose Line Graph.
    • Add the dimensions as Country Origin and Country Destination
    • Add the lat and log positions as in below image. enter image description here

      Similarly you can do it for Country Destination. You can also adjust the line width and color properties also.

    Demerit: In GeoQlik trial version, you cant able to save the visualizations.(need to be licensed version to enjoy all the features)

    2. Using Line Graph

    Ref from :

    They used static image of world map as background. They created a line graph with X and Y coordinates running axes from 0 to 200 and set as transparent.

    Here the fuzzy thing is I don't know how they calculated lat and long positions!