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Maven: How to unpack precise files from artifacts in the same output directory?

I have several artifacts from the same groupId (org.webjars), and I need to unpack them, and then copy all the contained js files into the same directory.

The artifacts archives have a hierarchy (compressed as a jar) as follows:

    - resources
        - webjars
            - ...
                - sample-1.js
                - sample-2.js

I need at the end that every js file is copied into the same directory without their hierarchy, as follows:

    - sample-1.js
    - sample-2.js
    - ...
    - sample-n.js

The result I can reach is the following one:

    - artifact-1
        - resources
            - webjars
                - ...
                    - sample-1.js
                    - sample-2.js
    - ...
    - artifact-m
        - resources
            - webjars
                - ...
                    - sample-n.js

For this purpose, I used the maven-dependency-plugin:

            <id>unpack org.webjars dependencies</id>

Is there a magical option of this plugin to do this, or should I need another plugin to complete the job?

EDIT: Here is the solution I finally used:

            <id>copy org.webjars dependency to jar</id>
                    <copy todir="${}/classes/static" flatten="true">
                        <fileset dir="${}/static">
                                     <include name="**/*.js"/>
<!-- Force the generation of the jar to be done after the javascript dependencies have been copied.
Note : This is a half solution, as the jar is generated twice: a first time before the javascript get copied, and
another one after. As a result, there is the correct jar, but after two creations... -->
            <id>Force the jar-plugin to be called after the javascripts dependencies have been copied to be embedded</id>


  • You could use the maven antrun plugin by using the copy task with the flatten option as it is described in the following thread: Maven : copy files without subdirectory structure
