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How to convert multiple rows to one row in SQL Server?

I have a problem with a query. Let's say I have two tables named PersonInfo and PersonEducation. I applied join operation on these tables with StudentId and I have a result like that.

   StudentIdId      Name    University    Department     Status
      1             John    Cambridge     Computer       Graduated
      1             John    Berkeley      Mathematic     Graduated
      1             John    Boston        Economy        Ongoing

It is just one example of a student (John). It shows that John graduated from 2 university and still studying in one university. University numbers can change depending on the students. My question is that how can I show these 3 row in just 1 row. I mean I want to show all education information in one row in order not to have multiple rows for one person.

Thanks in advance for your help.


  • Test Data

    DECLARE @TABLE TABLE (StudentIdId INT, Name VARCHAR(100), University VARCHAR(100)
                           , Department VARCHAR(100),[Status] VARCHAR(100))
    (1 ,'John','Cambridge','Computer'  ,'Graduated'),
    (1 ,'John','Berkeley' ,'Mathematic','Graduated'),
    (1 ,'John','Boston'   ,'Economy'   ,'Ongoing'),
    (2 ,'Pete','Cambridge','Computer'  ,'Graduated'),
    (2 ,'Pete','Berkeley' ,'Mathematic','Graduated')


    SELECT t.StudentIdId
          ,STUFF((SELECT ', ' + University 
                  FROM @TABLE 
                  WHERE StudentIdId = t.StudentIdId
                  FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,'') AS University
          ,STUFF((SELECT ', ' + Department 
                  FROM @TABLE 
                  WHERE StudentIdId = t.StudentIdId
                  FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,'') AS Department
          ,STUFF((SELECT ', ' + [Status] 
                  FROM @TABLE 
                  WHERE StudentIdId = t.StudentIdId
                  FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,'') AS [Status]
    FROM @TABLE t 
    GROUP BY t.StudentIdId ,t.Name


    ║ StudentIdId ║ Name ║         University          ║          Department           ║            Status             ║
    ║           1 ║ John ║ Cambridge, Berkeley, Boston ║ Computer, Mathematic, Economy ║ Graduated, Graduated, Ongoing ║
    ║           2 ║ Pete ║ Cambridge, Berkeley         ║ Computer, Mathematic          ║ Graduated, Graduated          ║