Suppose the dataset has 3 columns
Obs Theo Cal
1 20 20
2 21 23
3 21 .
4 22 .
5 21 .
6 23 .
is the theoretical value while Cal
is the estimated value.
I need to calculate the missing Cal
For each Obs
, its Cal
is a linear combination of previous two Cal
Cal(3) = Cal(2) * &coef1 + Cal(1) * &coef2
Cal(4) = Cal(3) * &coef1 + Cal(2) * &coef2
But Cal = lag1(Cal) * &coef1 + lag2(Cal) * &coef2
didn't work as I expected.
The problem with using lag is when you use lag1(Cal) you're not getting the last value of Cal that was written to the output dataset, you're getting the last value that was passed to the lag1 function. It would probably be easier to use a retain as follows:
data want(drop=Cal_l:);
set have;
retain Cal_l1 Cal_l2;
if missing(Cal) then Cal = Cal_l1 * &coef1 + Cal_l2 * &coef2;
Cal_l2 = Cal_l1;
Cal_l1 = Cal;