I am new to Android and I am developing a sample project on drawing lines. I want to draw a curved or elevated line connecting two points (x1,y1 and x2,y2)
. I tried canvas.drawArc()
method, but the RectF
values inside the drawArc
method is just the x,y center points of circle. It is giving me an arc between my two points. But I want a curved line exactly connecting my two points. Can somebody help me? Thanks in advance.
Declare this method inside onDraw method:
private void drawOvalAndArrow(Canvas canvas){
Paint circlePaint = new Paint();
float centerWidth = canvas.getWidth()/2; //get center x of display
float centerHeight = canvas.getHeight()/2; //get center y of display
float circleRadius = 20; //set radius
float circleDistance = 200; //set distance between both circles
//draw circles
canvas.drawCircle(centerWidth, centerHeight, circleRadius, circlePaint);
canvas.drawCircle(centerWidth+circleDistance, centerHeight, circleRadius, circlePaint);
//to draw an arrow, just lines needed, so style is only STROKE
//create a path to draw on
Path arrowPath = new Path();
//create an invisible oval. the oval is for "behind the scenes" ,to set the path´
//area. Imagine this is an egg behind your circles. the circles are in the middle of this egg
final RectF arrowOval = new RectF();
centerWidth + circleDistance,
//add the oval to path
//draw path on canvas
canvas.drawPath(arrowPath, circlePaint);
//draw arrowhead on path start
arrowPath.moveTo(centerWidth,centerHeight ); //move to the center of first circle
arrowPath.lineTo(centerWidth-circleRadius, centerHeight-circleRadius);//draw the first arrowhead line to the left
arrowPath.moveTo(centerWidth,centerHeight );//move back to the center
arrowPath.lineTo(centerWidth+circleRadius, centerHeight-circleRadius);//draw the next arrowhead line to the right
//same as above on path end
arrowPath.moveTo(centerWidth+circleDistance,centerHeight );
arrowPath.lineTo((centerWidth+circleDistance)-circleRadius, centerHeight-circleRadius);
arrowPath.moveTo(centerWidth+circleDistance,centerHeight );
arrowPath.lineTo((centerWidth+circleDistance)+circleRadius, centerHeight-circleRadius);
//draw the path
Also this will find the two sides of the screen (Landscape mode) and will draw a perfect curve across the screen
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
PointF mPoint1 = new PointF(w/1.2F, h/1.2F);
PointF mPoint2 = new PointF(w/24, h/1.2F);
Path myPath1 = new Path();
Paint paint = new Paint();
myPath1 = drawCurve(canvas, paint, mPoint1, mPoint2);
canvas.drawPath(myPath1, paint);
private Path drawCurve(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, PointF mPointa, PointF mPointb) {
Path myPath = new Path();
myPath.moveTo(63*w/64, h/10);
myPath.quadTo(mPointa.x, mPointa.y, mPointb.x, mPointb.y);
return myPath;
Useful references on painting in android: