I am trying to find any element refer to IncomingBitrate in webrtc dump file .
Where I can find the incoming bitrate in webrtc-internals?
Also, How I can calculate incoming bitrate from webrtc stats?
In webrtc-internals
check the active connection -- it's printed in bold. Usually it is Conn-Audio-1-0
. There are two fields bytesSent
and bytesReceived
which will allow you to calculate the bitrate. Also check the constraints + stats demo for an actual example: https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/peerconnection/constraints/
In getStats
, iterate the reports until you find one of kind googCandidatePair
with .stat('googActiveConnection') === 'true'
. That is giving you the same information as webrtc-internals
. If you want per-track/stream values, reports of type ssrc have bytesSent
or bytesReceived
, depending on whether they are sent or received.
Then calculate the bitrate by dividing the bytes sent/received by the time difference between the getStats