I came across a tricky situation this morning while I tried to bind variables in a dynamic SQL statement. The situation is that I am trying to use the same bind variable multiple times in a dynamic SQL block.
Consider the following code:
create or replace function test_function (v1 number, v2 number)
return sys_refcursor
cur sys_refcursor;
v_sql clob := 'select 1 as col1,'
||chr(10)||' nvl ( (select ''a = 2'''
||chr(10)||' from dual'
||chr(10)||' where :a = 2),' -- First occurance of `a`
||chr(10)||' ''a != 2'')'
||chr(10)||' as col2,'
||chr(10)||' nvl ( (select ''a = 3'''
||chr(10)||' from dual'
||chr(10)||' where :a = 3),' -- Second occurance of `a`
||chr(10)||' ''a != 3'')'
||chr(10)||' as col2'
||chr(10)||' from dual'
||chr(10)||' where :b = 1'; -- another var `b` used just once
open cur for v_sql using v1, v2;
return cur;
Then I run the following statement in Toad:
select test_function (3, 1) from dual;
I get the error:
ORA-01008: not all variables bound
ORA-06512: at "SCHEMA.TEST_FUNCTION", line 19
If I modify the dynamic SQL and remove the second occurrence of the bind variable a
, it works. I tried to refer to Oracle docs here, here and here but found nothing related to this. Please help.
Variables in this case are bound by position, not by name. You have to repeat v1 variable like this
open cut for v_sql using v1, v1, v2;
See detailed description in http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e25519/dynamic.htm#BHCHIHEJ