I was trying to find the list of Nodes via getNodes() method in NodeAPI in GooglePlayServices.
I have one LG G Live watch, one Samsung Gear 2 (Tizen OS) and one Google Glass.
My LG G Watch has a connection with a companion APP (via GoogleAPIClient) on phone (Samsung S4). I have one application which checks if the watch is connected with phone, and if not connected, notify user about the same. I was using getNodes() method for this, and I connected glass and gear with phone with "My Glass" and "Gear Manager" (that's it). I was under the impression that both glass and gear would also get shown in getNodes() list, but only G Live came in the list.
So, now, I think that device must be connected with GoogleApiClient with phone (via a companion App), in order to show it as a node. That thing said, what if I am connecting Glass/Tizen with phone via GoogleApiClient but in other separate companion App on phone. Would it then show it as a node? Which brings me to the initial question, how do we define nodes in Google Play Services? and If it'll show them as nodes, how would I detect if it is a watch or glass or gear ( I can register devices for this issue, but I want to avoid that), I tried getDisplayName() and getId(), but both return same thing i.e. UUID of the node.
Sorry to tell you man but google play services dont work for glass, but as I read your question i think you want to check if your glass/ watch is connected to the mobile or not, try to make bluetooth connection via socket for glass and unique ID would come. While for watch go ahead with play services.
I hope it helps.