I currently have setup a Python script that uses feedparser to read a feed and parse it. However, I have recently come across a problem with the date parsing. The feed I am reading contains <modified>2010-05-05T24:17:54Z</modified>
- which comes up in Python as a datetime object - 2010-05-06 00:17:54. Notice the discrepancy: the feed entry was modified on the 5th of may, while python reads it as the 6th.
So the question is why this is happening. Is the ATOM feed (that is, the one who created the feed) wrong by putting the time as 24:17:54, or is my python script wrong in the way it treats it.
And can I solve this?
There are some interesting special cases in the rfc here (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3339), however, typically its for the 00:00:60 vs 00:00:59 to allow for leap seconds. It may be though that that is legal. My guess is that its doing the "right thing". In all honesty, date/time things get really messy due to things like DST and local timezones. If its 24:17:54, that might be the right thing after all.