I'm trying to get the Twitter share button to work with a Rails 4 app + Turbolinks.
In my view, I have:
<a href="https://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-lang="en" data-text="<%= @article.title %>" data-via="<%= t('twitter_user') %>">Tweet</a>
I also have a twitter.js.coffee file in my app/assets/javascripts/ directory:
class @Twitter
eventsBound = false
@load: ->
Twitter.bindEvents() unless Twitter.eventsBound
@bindEvents: ->
if typeof Turbolinks isnt 'undefined' and Turbolinks.supported
$(document).on('page:load', Twitter.renderTweetButtons)
Twitter.eventsBound = true
@renderTweetButtons: ->
$('.twitter-share-button').each ->
button = $(this)
button.attr('data-url', document.location.href) unless button.data('url')?
button.attr('data-text', document.title) unless button.data('text')?
@loadTwitterSDK: ->
The button appears when I hard refresh the page but disappears when navigating (likely due to Turbolinks). I probably need to keep calling the renderTweetButtons function, but am not sure how.
Any help appreciated! Thanks :)
The issue was that I was missing twttr.widgets.load()
within @renderTweetButtons as documented here. This is what the complete file looks like now:
class @Twitter
eventsBound = false
@load: ->
Twitter.bindEvents() unless Twitter.eventsBound
@bindEvents: ->
if typeof Turbolinks isnt 'undefined' and Turbolinks.supported
$(document).on('page:load', Twitter.renderTweetButtons)
Twitter.eventsBound = true
@renderTweetButtons: ->
$('.twitter-share-button').each ->
button = $(this)
button.attr('data-url', document.location.href) unless button.data('url')?
button.attr('data-text', document.title) unless button.data('text')?
@loadTwitterSDK: ->
That solved the issue.