I am trying to add items to an array using Ractive.js. Here is what I have...
<select value='{{selectedColumn}}'>
<option value='{{this}}'>{{this}}</option>
<select value='{{selectedLogic}}'>
<option value='{{this}}'>{{this}}</option>
<input value='{{searchVal}}'>
<button on-click='addFilter(selectedColumn, selectedLogic, searchVal)'>Add filter</button>
And in the Ractive object...
filterList = new Ractive({
el: 'container',
template: '#template',
data: {
items: myItems,
addFilter: function (cat, log, val) {
description: cat + " " + log + " " + val,
completed: false
Also tried calling this function with the button...
new_filter: function ( cat, log, val ) {
description: cat + " " + log + " " + val,
completed: false
Neither approaches seem to work. The console.log()s don't even get called.
Spent a little more time on it and this seems to work but perhaps it is not the best solution...
filterList.on('testFunc', function(){
var tmp = (this.get("selectedColumn") + " " + this.get("selectedLogic") + " " + this.get("searchVal"))
items.push({description: tmp, completed: false})
and the code for the button...
<button on-click='testFunc'>Add filter</button>