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Python KeyError scanning list of hosts for open ports

I have a list of my ip's in my python script, and I'm trying to run a nmap scan on each of them to find open ports. I keep getting this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 33, in <module>
  File "", line 30, in main
    vulnscan(nm, L)
  File "", line 6, in vulnscan
    for port in nm[item].all_tcp():
  File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/nmap/", line 567, in __getitem__

(There is an actual ip address in the "IP ADDRESS HERE" part, though.)

The scanning part of my code that I tried is is:

for item in L:
        for port in nm[item].all_tcp():
            state= nm[item]['tcp'][port]['state']
            if state== 'open':
                print state

'L' is the list that contains my ip addresses.

What is the proper way to scan a small list of ip addresses for open ports using nmap?


  • Like this, based on your code:

    for item in L:
        if item in nm.all_hosts():
            for port in nm[item].all_tcp():
                state = nm[item]['tcp'][port]['state']
                if state == 'open':
                    print state

    Checking if specified ip address is in nm.all_hosts() (which returns a list of ips) allows you to safely query nm[item] afterwards.

    Note that you could make this code a bit cleaner by simply intersecting your L list with the list of ip addresses returned by nm.all_hosts():

    items = list(set(L) & set(nm.all_hosts()))
    for item in items:
        for port in nm[item].all_tcp():
            state = nm[item]['tcp'][port]['state']
            if state == 'open':
                print state