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How to override pool and reaping_frequency in heroku's database.yml

I am using heroku with Rails 4.1.1 and Ruby 2.1.1. I am using default database configuration for heroku. That's why I have put database.yml into .gitignore and I am not using database.yml for production.

I am facing issue for PG::ConnectionBad: PQsocket() can't get socket descriptor and for solve this error i need to set reaping_frequency.

The reaping_frequency can tell Active Record to check to see if connections are hung or dead every N seconds and terminate them. While it is likely that over time your application may have a few connections that hang, if something in your code is causing hung connections, the reaper will not be a permanent fix to the problem.

Now I want to add this configuration into database.yml.

  reaping_frequency: 10

so should I directly add this configuration over database.yml for override or is there any another better way to set this frequency into heroku?

Thanks in advance for suggestion.


  • In your config/unicorn.rb or config/puma.rb set pool and reaping_frequency in the config:

    config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env] ||
    config['pool']              = ENV['DB_POOL'] || 5
    config['reaping_frequency'] = ENV['DB_REAP_FREQ'] || 10 # seconds