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Rerun jquery plugin instance on window resize

I want to build a plugin that will be centerizing stuff for me, but I wanted to automate rerun every instance of it after window resizing, here's some (not-working on window resize) code:

$.fn.centerize = function(){
    var divWidth = this.width(),
        screenWidth = $(window).width(),
        margin = (screenWidth - divWidth)/2;

    this.css({'margin-left':margin + 'px', 'margin-right': margin + 'px'});

All what I would like to do, is to run this plugin only once on some div elements, e.g.:


And if I resize the browser window, it should recalculate margins and set new ones. I don't want to add somewhere additional code like this:


Is that possible? Any suggestions will be appreciated.


  • Problem with context:


    Try to assign 'this' to another temporary variable:

    $.fn.centerize = function(){
        var divWidth = this.width(),
            screenWidth = $(window).width(),
            margin = (screenWidth - divWidth)/2,
            _this = this;
        this.css({'margin-left':margin + 'px', 'margin-right': margin + 'px'});

    Or you can try to use $.proxy for binding context in another scope:

    $.fn.centerize = function(){
        var divWidth = this.width(),
            screenWidth = $(window).width(),
            margin = (screenWidth - divWidth)/2;
        this.css({'margin-left':margin + 'px', 'margin-right': margin + 'px'});
        $(window).resize($.proxy($.fn.centerize, this);