i have this data.frame:
Campanas1 variable sessions
1 Adwords sumResults 69
2 Campa�as sumResults 2
3 Directo sumResults 10947
4 Email sumResults 413
5 Referencias sumResults 12991
6 SEO sumResults 37693
7 Social Media sumResults 5993
8 Others sumResults 2
I've made a bar chart with this code:
Sesiones_Campanas1 %>% ggvis(~Campanas1, ~sessions, fill := "red") %>% layer_bars()
Question: How to put a selector for every/all Sources (from Campanas1)?
My attemp:
Sesiones_Campanas1 %>% ggvis(~Campanas1, ~sessions, fill := "red") %>% layer_bars(input_select(label = "Fuente"),
choices = c("Email",
"Directo", "Adwords",
"Campanas1", "Referencias", "SEO",
"Social Media"))
But i get this error:
Error: length(x) not equal to 1
After quite a bit of a research I think I made it. The difficult part was to include the All-rows part in the drop-down menu. So, here it goes:
First of all you need 2 libraries to do it: dplyr
and stringi
selector <- c('Adwords', 'Campanas', 'Directo', 'Email', 'Others', 'Referencias', 'SEO', 'Social_Media', 'All' = 'Adwords_Campanas_Directo_Email_Others_Referencias_SEO_Social_Media' )
#the selector is a vector to include all your choices
And the actual code that does what you need:
Sesiones_Campanas1 %>% #the table
ggvis(~Campanas1, ~sessions, fill := "red") %>% #the ggvis object
filter(stri_detect_fixed(eval(input_select(choices=selector, label='Fuente' )) , Campanas1) ) %>% #the difficult part. You need to use filter and stri_detect_fixed with the input select to get exactly what you need.
layer_bars() #plot bars
I cannot upload the interactive graph (I think) so I ll upload the static all
graph (But you can see the drop-down box and all of the choices there).
P.S. If the x-axis labels won't appear correctly it is because you need to increase the graph size (works both on Rstudio and on the browser)
P.S.2 A few words on how the filter
line works: You need eval
to evaluate the input_select
outcome into a string so that it can then be matched with the stri_detect_fixed
function. filter
then decides which rows to be used.
And that's it!
In order to have the the 'all' sources selected at the beginning you need to specify the selected
argument like this:
Sesiones_Campanas1 %>%
ggvis(~Campanas1, ~sessions, fill := "red") %>%
filter(stri_detect_fixed(eval(input_select(choices=selector, label='Fuente', selected='Adwords_Campanas_Directo_Email_Others_Referencias_SEO_Social_Media' )) , Campanas1) ) %>%
Hope this helps!!