I am working on an app which requires to play multiple RTSP streams at a time using Gstreamer , it is working fine with single stream , as i add second stream , first stream stops and second starts to play , after few sconds , it also stops and app crashes.
Here is screenshot of APP streams view
and this screenshot when APP crashes
i have updates the Gstreamer.framework , searched and tried different solutions.but nothing worked
Here is my code sample for pipelining the streams
#import "VideoViewController.h"
#import "GStreamerBackend.h"
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface VideoViewController () {
GStreamerBackend *gst_backend;
GStreamerBackend *gst_backend1;
int media_width; /* Width of the clip */
int media_height; /* height ofthe clip */
Boolean dragging_slider; /* Whether the time slider is being dragged or not */
Boolean is_local_media; /* Whether this clip is stored locally or is being streamed */
Boolean is_playing_desired; /* Whether the user asked to go to PLAYING */
in viewDidLoad:
url1= my first url
url2=my second URL
here I initialize my 2 stream.
gst_backend = [[GStreamerBackend alloc] init:self videoView:video_view];
gst_backend1 = [[GStreamerBackend alloc] init:self videoView:video_view1];
this delegate method is called :
-(void) gstreamerInitialized
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
play_button.enabled = TRUE;
pause_button.enabled = TRUE;
message_label.text = @"Ready";
[gst_backend setUri:uri];
[gst_backend1 setUri:uri2];
//is_local_media = [uri hasPrefix:@"file://"];
//is_playing_desired = NO;
[gst_backend1 play];
[gst_backend play];
i think issue is in the search paths.
Which version of GStreamer are you using? I remember fixing exactly that bug quite some time ago, you can find details about it here: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=720421
The best would be to use the newest binaries from here: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/pkg/ios/1.4.5/