In a ClojureScript/Om app, I have a DOM and a string of HTML.
How can I translate that string of HTML into elements I can insert into the DOM?
I've started down the path of parsing the HTML with hickory, planning to then process the hickory data to create DOM elements, but I think there must be a simpler way I'm overlooking.
(I don't need to validate the HTML, I can assume it's safe and valid enough.)
You don't need to parse the HTML string. It's unnecessary overhead. React/Om supports something like DOM's innerHTML
property. Just set the prop this way:
(om.dom/div #js {:dangerouslySetInnerHTML #js {:__html "<b>Bold!</b>"}} nil)
If you work with plain DOM without Om, set the innerHTML
property like:
(let [div (. js/document getElementById "elId")]
(set! (. div -innerHTML) "<b>Bold!</b>"))