In an ADF mobile application I want to disable an input-text when a button is pressed. How to do it ? Please help
Create a managed bean property to be used for inputText readOnly
private boolean readOnlyText = false;
Right click on the managed bean class and choose Generate Accessors from the menu. Select readOnlyText to genearate getter/setter methods. Make sure to check
Notify listeners when property change
check box as this will add PropertyChangeSupport to the bean. As a result the setter method will have following code:
public void setReadOnlyText(boolean readOnlyText) {
boolean oldReadOnlyText = this.readOnlyText;
this.readOnlyText = readOnlyText;
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange("readOnlyText", oldReadOnlyText, readOnlyText);
Use this property in your inputText:
<amx:inputText label="label1" id="it1" readOnly="#{viewScope.mBean.readOnlyText}"/>
Bound the ActionListener of the button to a method in managed bean:
<amx:commandButton text="Disable" id="cb3" actionListener="#{viewScope.mBean.buttonActionListener}"/>
In buttonActionListener set readOnlyText = true;
public void hideInputActionListener(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
For more details refer OTN Code Corner