url(r'^signin_client$', views.signin_client, name='signin_client') # normal view,
url(r'^signup_owner$', SignupOwnerWizard.as_view()), # wizard view
In a 'normal view' case: <a href='{% url "myapp.views.signin_client" %}'>
But I can't figure how to do the same thing for my "wizard view". Of course, I don't want to hardcode the url.
Add name to the pattern:
url(r'^signup_owner$', SignupOwnerWizard.as_view(), name='signup_owner'),
And than use the name in {% url %}
<a href='{% url "signup_owner" %}'>
If you use namespaces you would need a namespace prefix:
<a href='{% url "mynamespace:signup_owner" %}'>