I've a model StockUpdate
which keeps track of stocks for every product for a store. Table attributes are: :product_id, :stock, :store_id
. I was trying to find out last entry for every product for a given store. According to that I build my query in PGAdmin which is given below and it's working fine. I'm new in Rails and I don't know how to represent it in Model. Please help.
FROM stock_updates a
SELECT product_id, MAX(id) max_id
FROM stock_updates where store_id = 9 and stock > 0
GROUP BY product_id
) b ON a.product_id = b.product_id AND
a.id = b.max_id
What you need is really simple and can be easily accomplished with 2 queries. Otherwise it becomes very complicated in a single query (it's still doable though):
store_ids = [0, 9]
latest_stock_update_ids = StockUpdate.
where(store_id: store_ids).
StockUpdate.where(id: latest_stock_update_ids)
Two queries, without any joins
necessary. The same could be possible with a single query too. But like your original code, it would include subqueries.
Something like this should work:
where(store_id: store_ids).
where("stock_updates.id = (
SELECT MAX(su.id) FROM stock_updates AS su WHERE (
su.product_id = stock_updates.product_id
Or perhaps:
StockUpdate.where("id IN (
SELECT MAX(su.id) FROM stock_updates AS su GROUP BY su.product_id
And to answer your original question, you can manually specify a joins
like so:
Model1.joins("INNER JOINS #{Model2.table_name} ON #{conditions}")
# That INNER JOINS can also be LEFT OUTER JOIN, etc.