I have a plot with a part of wrld_simpl
cntr <- c('Denmark', 'Germany', 'Norway', 'Ireland', 'United Kingdom', 'France', 'Italy',
'Sweden', 'Finland', 'Spain', 'Portugal', 'Latvia', 'Estonia', 'Slovenia', 'Belgium',
'Netherlands', 'Austria', 'Poland', 'Switzerland', 'Slovakia', 'Lithuania', 'Croatia',
'Czech Republic')
my_map <- wrld_simpl[wrld_simpl$NAME %in% cntr,]
I want to color some countries, let say Germany to red and Denmark to green. How can I do it? I tried something like this but it doesn't work the way I wanted:
country_colors <- list(Germany='red', Denamark='green')
plot(my_map, col=unlist(country_colors[as.character(my_map$NAME)]))
Try using a vector of the the same length as my_map$NAME instead of a vector of length 2:
country_colors <- setNames(rep("white", length(my_map$NAME)), my_map$NAME)
country_colors[c("Germany", "Denmark")] <- c("red", "green")
plot(my_map, col = country_colors)