When I run tput cols
in my terminal, it prints out the number of columns just fine. But when I run the following Rust program:
use std::io::process::{Command, ProcessOutput};
fn main() {
let cmd = Command::new("tput cols");
match cmd.output() {
Ok(ProcessOutput { error: _, output: out, status: exit }) => {
if exit.success() {
println!("{}" , out);
match String::from_utf8(out) {
Ok(res) => println!("{}" , res),
Err(why) => println!("error converting to utf8: {}" , why),
} else {
println!("Didn't exit succesfully")
Err(why) => println!("Error running command: {}" , why.desc),
I get the following error:
Error running command: no such file or directory
Does anyone know why the command doesn't run correctly? Why is it looking for a file or directory?
takes the name of the command to run only; arguments can be added using .arg()
match Command::new("tput").arg("cols").output() {
// …