I'm trying to add actions/events to my action sheet, but when the buttons are pressed, nothing happens. My code looks like this:
@IBAction func sendTapped() {
var sheet: UIActionSheet = UIActionSheet()
let title: String = "Choose item to send:"
sheet.title = title
sheet.cancelButtonIndex = 0
sheet.delegate = self
sheet.tag = 1
func actionSheet(sheet: UIActionSheet!, clickedButtonAtIndex buttonIndex: Int) {
switch (sheet.tag){
case 1:
println("1 pressed")
case 2:
println("2 pressed")
println("Nothing pressed")
Honestly I do not know why this wouldn't work. Please help me solve this problem.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Frank. You have the right idea. Your calling the clicked button index against the sheet tag. Instead call it against the button itself :
func actionSheet(actionSheet: UIActionSheet, clickedButtonAtIndex buttonIndex: Int) {
switch buttonIndex {
case 0: // your cancel button
Additionally, if your coding for iOS8 it has been deprecated for UIAlertController which contains handlers. A lot easier. Just FYI. But if you are making it backwards compatible it doesn't work with iOS7.
Additionally make sure your setting your delegate