Am a newbie to work with videos and stuff.
Doing a project with a panasonic IP cam (WV-ns-202A) which will be the source of an MJPEG stream.
I need to Display this content on a,C# web app under IIS, as well as store the same in filesystem.
sofar have tried out some ffmpeg/vlc stuff not helping much.
(tried #transcoding to flv and save in local filesystem - success #transcoding and restream over http - failed #transcoding with vlc & streaming (sout) - failed )
looks like am lost.
Do i must need a meadia server to stream this or can i manage with ffmpeg itself?. one camera to one user, no users more then that at any point of time.
Any help appreciated - guidence, sample code, links, c#,
Thanks for your time.
I have solved this issue with the Active X API/SDK provided by Panasonic. Earlier we had issues in finding resources for the particular model. Thank you!.