I am using Rails 4 with Ransack to build simple search and sorting functionality. My intention is to use POST request instead of GET (because of limitations).
So I would have 4 buttons. One click on button sorts ASC, then second click sorts DESC. It is pretty much the same as http://railscasts.com/episodes/370-ransack?view=asciicast first example.
So far I have like this.
@search = Advertisement.search(params[:q])
@ads = @search.result
@search.sorts = ['height asc','age asc','price asc','votes asc'] if @search.sorts.empty?
In view :
<%= f.sort_fields do |s| %>
<%= s.sort_select %>
<% end %>
It looks like this :
Instead of selecting each time ASC or DESC in collection I want to do it with one button.
I searched on google similair questions but no one was exact like mine. Is there posibility to do so ? To use POST request not GET to sort with Ransack?
Or I have to switch back to GET request based sorting with limitations for user?
Thanks in advance!
I haven't already used ransack before, but this is the way that I would be to go:
<select id="master_sort">
<option class="asc">ASC</option>
<option class="desc">DESC</option>
"Bind" the action of your select code with jQuery. When the user change that value, it will change all the sub-sort button in cascade (with a simple jquery function)
Hide the default sort selects with CSS.