var RuleEngine = require('node-rules');
var titan = {
"product": "Titan",
var oxicash = {
var rules = [{
"name": "Product rule",
"description": "when the product matches Titan",
"priority": 1,
function(fact,cb) {
cb(fact && (fact.product = "Titan"));
function(cb) {
console.log("Rule 1 matched for "+this.product);
var a = this.amount;
var b = this.base;
var c = this.conversation;
var result1= (a*c)/b;
console.log("the promotion cost is:"+result1);
this.result = true;
this.process = true;
var R = new RuleEngine(rules);
console.log("\n-----u have discount----\n");
console.log("\n-----u dont have discount----\n");
Am new to rule-engine. am trying to write a rule and i am made in "node-rules". but i came to know that "nools" was the best to write rules and it is light weight. but i don't know anything about nools. i am studied whole documentation but it is confusing me. So please can anyone help me by converting this rule which I have written in "node-rules" to "nools".Thanking you in advance for your kind information.
//server.js file
"use strict";
var nools = require("nools");
var ruleFilePath = __dirname + "/rule.nools";
var flow = nools.compile(__dirname + "/rule.nools");
var session=flow.getSession();
var Titan = flow.getDefined("titan");
var t = new Titan(),
session1 = flow.getSession(new Titan({product : 'titan',amount : 500, base : 1, conversation : 0.91}), t),
s1 = +(new Date());
session1.match().then(function () {
console.log("%d [%dms]", t.rule3, +(new Date()) - s1);
define Titan {
product : null,
amount : null,
base : null,
conversation : null
rule product_rule {
when {
t1 : Titan t1.product == 'titan' && t1.amount == 500 && t1.base == 1 && t1.conversation == 0.91 ;
then {
var a = t1.amount;
var b = t1.base;
var c = t1.conversation;
var v = (a*c)/b;