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PyCurl 7.19.0: get cookies from response using getinfo(pycurl.COOKIELIST)

I'd like to get the Cookies that have been carried with the response (Set-Cookie: name=value; ...).

When passing the info constant and the reference of an empty list:

set_cookies = []
c.getinfo(c.COOKIELIST, set_cookies)

I get the following error:

TypeError: c.getinfo() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

That was straightforward.

I also tried this signature:

set_cookies = c.getinfo(c.COOKIELIST)

I get this error:

ValueError: invalid argument to getinfo

This is a bit vague, however.

Getting the HTTP status code using getinfo() works fine.

I get a 200 OK and Set-Cookie headers, of course (debugging with c.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, 1)).

Of course I've read

With very few exceptions, PycURL constants are derived from libcurl constants by removing the CURLINFO_ prefix.

Maybe this is the exception?

In my opinion the documentation is a quite poor and does not contain any info about getting cookies sent with Set-Cookie.



  • There's no method to get response cookies after calling perform(). Headers sent by the server can be captured using a callback function passed to the PyCurl instance while configuring with setopt():


       Callback for writing received headers. See CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION 

    Example code excerpt:

        set_cookies = []
        # closure to capture Set-Cookie
        def _write_header(header):
            match = re.match("^Set-Cookie: (.*)$", header)
            if match:
        # use closure to collect cookies sent from the server
        c.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, _write_header)
