This might be a very funny question for you all, but I am curious to know the answer :
what will be the final value of i
in terms of pure mathematics and what will be the final value of i
in terms of any programming language. I think I am thinking only in the programming way.
I know in programming languages the value will be 13
but I am confused about the mathematical value.
So experts please tell me if there is any difference between pure mathematical and programming statements.What will be value of i
in mathematics at last line?
In mathematics, A=B
is not an assignment of the value of B
to A
. It instead expresses an identity. The expression i=i+1
just doesn't make sense mathematically. One exception is boolean algebra, where 0+0=0 and 0+1=1+0=1+1=1. But then the initial identity i=10
doesn't make any sense.
The expression i=i+1
is illegal in languages such as Haskell that try to be closest to mathematics. Objects are normally immutable in Haskell and other pure functional languages.