My project uses both nodejs and java
I tried starting off with a node_js build then installing java (since this is an npm module)
but the scripts to install java failed, plus I don't think there's a need to install it when there is a build with java that already exists.
should I start off with a java build then install node?
I'm trying this
language: java
- oraclejdk8
language: node_js
- "0.10"
which ignores the first 2 lines it seems and builds a node_js build which has java 7 and my project uses java 8
I tried this answer for python
language: node_js
- "0.10"
java: oraclejdk8
but that didn't work
How can I add java 8?
I used this .yml
language: java
- oraclejdk8
node_js: "0.10"
install: "npm install"
script: "npm test"