Search code examples

Delete some part of a row from database ( a value in a set of the daatabase row )

I want to delete a part of my row in mysql. like this:

my row: 1,2,3,4

I want to make it: 1,2,3

how can I do that?

I know it can be done with this code but is there a better way?

UPDATE Table SET message = REPLACE(message, ",4", "") WHERE id = 1;


  • So this will work.

    UPDATE Table SET message = CASE
    WHEN message LIKE '4,%'
    THEN // enter code here to replace '4,' in message with ''
    WHEN message LIKE '%,4,%'
    THEN // enter code here to replace ',4,' in message with ','
    WHEN message LIKE '%,4'
    THEN // enter code here to replace ',4' in message with ''
    ELSE // this means all other occurances of 4 like 14,41,44,etc do nothing here or skip this else condition