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How to encode ç ö ü in a secure way?

I'm trying to implement a turkish content manager using c# MVC Razor.

I know I can use @Html.Raw(model.content) in order to get non-encoded texts, but this can also create some security issues, Xss, injections etc..

Instead if I just use @model.content to display text directly, I'm getting the following html source, which I think could create SEO issues as well

@model.content outputs : ......güvece dökün.......

The original text was

@Html.Raw(model.content) outputs : ......güvece dökün.......

How to avoid mvc to encode following charcter and keep html secure at the same time ?

ç, ü , ö

Of course I can create my own html extention, but I'd like to know if there is a secure and reliable method of this?


  • As i mentioned on my question , i sorted it out using html helper extesion

        string v = "<script>I Ğ Ü İ Ş Ç Ö ö ç i ş ü ğ ı ü ğ p ı o . ö ö ç ı ı n ü ğ ş a l e r t'\'\\'(x)</script>";
    //code above outputs: &lt;script&gt;I Ğ Ü İ Ş Ç Ö ö ç i ş ü ğ ı ü ğ p ı o . ö ö ç ı ı n ü ğ ş a l e r t&#39;&#39;\&#39;(x)&lt;/script&gt

    And my extension classs as follows, you can choose to replace characters one by one (method SafeHtmlV2) or interate usign an array (method SafeHtml),

    public static class MyHelper
        public static MvcHtmlString SafeHtml(this HtmlHelper html, string input)
            string[] decodeItems = new string[] { "&#252;", "&#246;", "&#231;", "&#220;", "&#199;", "&#214;" };
            string str = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlEncode(input);
            foreach (string s in decodeItems)
                str = str.Replace(s, System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(s));
            return new MvcHtmlString(str);
        public static MvcHtmlString SafeHtmlV2(this HtmlHelper html, string input)
            string str = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlEncode(input).Replace("&#252;", "ü")
                   .Replace("&#246;", "ö")
                   .Replace("&#231;", System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode("&#231;"))
                   .Replace("&#220;", System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode("&#220;"))
                   .Replace("&#199;", System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode("&#199;"))
                   .Replace("&#214;", System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode("&#214;"));
            return new MvcHtmlString(str);