In Qt's implementation arabic notation is shown in right-to-left direction, thus any strings that contain arabic notations will be right-aligned.
But what my application wants to do is showing all texts in left-to-right direction, whether it contains arabic notations or not. And all texts are left-aligned.
An example is shown below:
This is what I want to implement
This is how QLineEdit
displays texts containing arabic notations in its default way
This is how QLabel
does it
Paste the test string here. ە抠门哥ە(
Providing an alternate solution.
Finally I can achieve my goal roughly by using QTextEdit
which has a QTextDocument
. The following code snippet shows how I did it. But I have no idea how Qt deals with text direction from a global perspective, so I can't achieve my goal with QLabel
etc... It would be great if someone can give some detailed information about Qt's text engine.
QTextDocument *doc = ui->textEdit->document();
QTextOption textOption = doc->defaultTextOption();
Unicode provides Directional Formatting Characters,and Qt supports it well.
Thus,for QLabel
and QLineEdit
etc. we can insert a LRM
control character
,which is define in Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm, at the beginning of a RightToLeft string to make the string left-alignment.For more information about Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm,click here.
And for QTextEdit
etc. which has a QTextDocument
we can make RightToLeft string left-alignment by setting QTextDocment
's textDirection
to Qt::LeftToRight
has a isRightToLeft
member function to decide whether the string is RightToLeft or not. For example,a string that begins with a notation from Right-to-left writting language is RightToLeft.
I answered another one,which maybe helpful for finding your own solution.