I have the following controller:
function SearchVideosController($scope, videoRepository) {
$scope.DoSearch(id, text) {
// Do some work...
// Do something with the data.
My videoRepository.getVideosForUserBasedOnSearchText() method uses $q and I want to create stub to ensure that the call is made.
I tried :
it("should have 3 searched videos", function(){
but get .then() is undefined.
Not sure how to handle the then() call.
You would need to get hold of $q
service instance and use $q.when
to create a promise wrapped value:-
Also remember you would need to manually perform a digest cycle in your test before the expecation to evaluate the result of the getVideosForUserBasedOnSearchText
call. Only when a digest cycle is invoked promise will be resolved in your test. You can do it by getting hold of scope, and perform $digest
or $apply
. Example:- rootScope.$apply()