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Do rectangle textures really require the GL_ARB_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE extension in OpenGL 4.3?

I'm looking for the best (as in "most natural" or "most efficient") way to render simple images pixel-by-pixel using modern OpenGL.

Since I do not want mip-mapping, I turned to rectangle textures as the - as I presumed - natural choice for this task.

I was surprised however that glCompileShader() refuses to accept my call to texture2DRect() in the fragment shader unless I enable the extension GL_ARB_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE.

I wasn't expecting that, as I'm using modern OpenGL (I'm specifying #version 430) and the OpenGL reference sheet at does not mention the need for an extension.

To add to the confusion, the shader compiler accepts my uniform declaration uniform sampler2DRect sampler; without even a warning.

Is this a bug in my OpenGL driver? (I'm running version 340.52 of the NVidia driver on Windows 8.1, on a GeForce GTX 760).


  • Just use the GLSL built in function texelFetch to address texture image pixels by the absolute integer coordinates.